Where will Education be Five Years From Now?

I wonder... where will education be five years from now?

I have personally seen many teachers hang up their hats in teaching. In the district I work in and many district around the state of Florida. You may say or think, they were not good teachers, but they were. They worked hard every day to help their students be successful. They arrived at work early, stayed late, and you could find them at the school on weekends. They truly cared about their students and wanted to give them the best education they possibly could.

Unfortunately, due to many obstacles out of their control, they chose to leave the profession. Not only are teachers leaving the profession, but new teachers are not entering the profession. According to the Orlando Sentinel in January 2019, they wrote, "Halfway through the school year, Florida's public schools need to hire 2,217 teachers to fill open jobs in classrooms across the state, a sign of Florida's growing teacher shortage, according to the statewide teacher's union"'

What can we do to help keep teachers in the profession and help recruit new teachers? We work with children, it should be the best job in the world and it can be! Again, I ask Where will education be in five years from now?

1 "Florida teacher shortage: More than 2,200 jobs open halfway into ...." 17 Jan. 2019, https://www.orlandosentinel.com/features/education/school-zone/os-ne-florida-teacher-shortage-midyear-20190116-story.html. Accessed 7 Apr. 2019.

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