Google Meet Updates

Google has made some great changes to Google Meet. When we first went virtual in March of 2020, we had all kinds of issues with students starting their own meetings, re-entering meetings after the teacher ended the meeting, students not turning off mics, and much more. I am sure if you are a teacher you can relate to all of these! It made it really hard on teachers. Some teachers started using Zoom, which was still not ideal for our needs as teachers. 

Slowly in the last year, Google starting pushing out updates to Meet. Trying to meet the needs of the teachers and students. Breakout Rooms, Grid view from 16 participants view to 49, Jamboard in Meet, Q&A, Polls, and blur background were all great updates but last month was the winner! Being able to have the host join meeting first, muting all mics and locking them, and end meeting for all are all great updates! These updates have made using Google Meet so much easier and better for teachers and students! 

If you are not familiar with these Google updates go to Google's Blog and check them out! 

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