Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics is just around the corner!

There is so much you can do in the classroom surrounding the o
Olympics in all subject areas. From reading about the athletes, the history of the Olympics, math from simple arithmetic to calculus, to the science behind the Olympics, all tied to standards. Writing is a big part and should be integrated throughout all subject areas.

In our class, we always start off the Olympics with students creating teams, I allow them to choose who they will work with. They create a name, logo and poster for their team. We then have the opening ceremony. The teams walk through the school carrying the homemade torch to the class where the teams are introduced. We then learn about the country hosting the Olympics.

Students have plenty of choices, they choose which athlete(s) or winter game(s) they want to learn about. Then they begin their journey. We have fun friendly challenges for the teams to win their medals, which are given out at the end of each challenge.

The students track the medals and countries winning the medals. They use Google Earth on the SMART board to learn more about each country winning the Gold Medals.

Here are a few resources to help you get started.

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