What can Twitter do for you?

I was introduced to Twitter about a year ago. I was real excited about learning something new. I made my account and I got started. I started adding some of my friends and co-workers. I would log in once a day and everyday it was the same thing. Someone would post where they were eating lunch, someone else would post about their shopping trip, and then there were those that were just hanging out at home or complaining. Which was fine, but I did not understand all the fuss. Why was everyone so excited to hear about what everyone was doing every minute of the day? Needless to stay I stopped using Twitter. I thought it was a waste of time. If I wanted to know this information I would just pick up the phone and and talk to the person.

Then one day I was on a friends website and saw that she used Twitter. I was a shocked, it was not like her to waste time so I decided to ask her about it. She introduced me to an entire different world in Twitter. Teachers discussing, learning, sharing, and helping one another. She gave me one name and told me I had to follow this person. I started following this one person and from there everything started falling in to place. I started hearing about great webinars, PLN's, Nings and much more. I have met some amazing teachers and learned so much. I would also like to hope that I have had some influence or helped others as well.

I suggest if you have not given Twitter a fair chance that you think again. A lot of people out there have the same impression I did at first. If you do use Twitter lets educate those who do not on how Twitter can be used. I am finding, so many educators are not aware of what is out there or how to use it.

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